Annual General Meeting 2024

We held our Annual General Meeting on Friday 8th November in The Welcome Church Main Hall. 32 people attended to hear what had been happening over the last
financial year.Our year runs from July to June, so this year it included the work we undertook to change the old Charity to an Incorporated Charity. This gives us much more financial security. During that period we also negotiated a new lease at Little Tinkers for The Heathfield Men’s Shed. Our accounts will all be published on the Charity Commissioners Website for anyone
to view at any time.
October 2024 Newsletter Available
The October 2024 Newsletter is now available for download by clicking on the picture below. The latest version and previous versions are available on the Newsletter page here
BBQ for Our Volunteers
We had another social event on Saturday 3rd August when we held a BBQ for all our Volunteers. We are so lucky with all our Volnteers, who give so much time and help to our Clients. It was great to be able to say thank you to them and see them all socialising. Nic, Bob and their wives organised the cooking and Julie sorted out all the other food and drinks. There was plenty for everybody to enjoy and the weather held until the clearing was almost done when the rain came as predicted. Andy Hale kindly took the pictures for us to remember the afternoon.