Age Concern Heathfield & District
Age Concern Heathfield and District has recently become an incorporated Charity and our Charity number is 1205545.
We have a Chairman and Board of Trustees who meet regularly to ensure the efficient running of the service, with our minibus and medical car services, as well as our Men’s Shed, run entirely by volunteers.
Click on the buttons below or click through the pages to learn more about us and the services we offer!
February 2025 Age Concern Heathfield Newsletter
Christmas Tree Festival at The Union Church

The Late Mrs Early Dress Rehearsal

We were very fortunate to be able to go to the dress rehearsal at Rushlake Green on Sunday 17th November.
The Heathfield & Waldron Rotary Club made all the arrangements with the Rushlake Green Players. The Rotarians involved their wives in providing the tea and cakes for the afternoon. They were all delicious, as usual. Age Concern provided free transport for the afternoon.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and thought the production was really funny. It was amazing how they all remembered their lines.
A big thank you to The Rushlake Green Players and The Heathfield & Waldron Rotary Club for supporting it all.

Knitting Project

Can you help knit or crochet blankets or twiddle muffs?
Join our group of enthusiastic knitters and crocheters who keep busy all year round making blankets which we distribute locally to those in need during the winter months.
In addition, we also make twiddle muffs which not only keep your hands warm, but are also are very soothing to anyone who fidgets with their hands.
If you would like to take part in our knitting project, please phone (01435) 866960 or email
Heathfield Men’s Shed
The Heathfield & District Men’s Shed (HMS) is the latest venture linked with Age Concern Heathfield & and is open to men over 60 in the TN21 postcode.
The Shed activity fits in nicely with our aim to support those over 60 years of age in the TN21 area & goes hand in hand with our existing facilities.
There seemed to be a gap in support activity for men in particular over the age of 60 and, after after some initial research it was seen that there was indeed a demand. Read more …
Photo Gallery…
Our volunteer minibus drivers and escorts have taken passengers to a number of social and cultural events, including: Lunch Clubs in Heathfield and Punnetts Town; Day Centres in Heathfield; the ‘Airbourne’ Air Show in Eastbourne, viewed from Beachy Head; a cinema trip to Hailsham; a concert at the Eastbourne Bandstand; a boat trip on Bewl Water; a visit to the Llama Park in the Ashdown Forest; greyhound racing in Brighton; Raystede Animal Rescue Centre, Ringmer; pub lunches in Cross-in-Hand, Eastbourne, Pevensey Bay, Chiddingly and Brighton; shopping trips to Heathfield, Eastbourne, Brighton and Hastings and visits to garden centres in Heathfield and Eastbourne – to name but a few!